sstrike's answer to jayden's Primary 5 Maths Whole Numbers Singapore question.

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Sstrike's answer
5393 answers (A Helpful Person)
Please ensure same number of oranges and mangoes.

And this number cannot be any fraction or decimal. Must be whole number【⁵⁄₄ or ⁵⁄₃ is not the whole number】

If this point missed, easy to get the wrong answer $25

If the Answer is $25
M→ $15 (4 ~$3) → 20
O→ $10 (3 ~$2) → 15

20 ≠ 15

So $25 is the wrong Answer.

Please refer to the similar question for the further understanding this type of questions
2 years ago
Sold in set/packet. Not in each single piece.

Oranges → 3
Mangoes → 4

So 5 each in total is wrong.