Pauline's answer to Pauline's Junior College 1 H3 Maths Singapore question.

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Pauline's answer
5 answers (A Helpful Person)
Is my concept correct here? Ketone is meta directing hence is 1,3. So i count from the carbon nearest to ketone (the circled carbon) to the third carbon. There can be two possibilities. However the one on top cannot be the answer due to steric hindrance. Am i correct?
2 years ago
Both are possible.

The ketone attached to C1 is meta-directing (1,3 relative to this carbon)

The alkyl group next to it on C2 is ortho-para directing (2,4 relative to this carbon)

Both directing groups are in sync and don't conflict. So you'll expect the SO3H to be added to be added to C3 or C5.

The steric hindrance just means that addition to C3 will be the minor product and to C5 will be the major product. (In some percentages)

It isn't necessarily all or nothing.
2 years ago
Thank you for the reply! I added a new picture under answers i hope i understood your explanations correctly?