Annabel's answer to :)'s Secondary 1 Maths Singapore question.

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Annabel's answer
37 answers (Tutor Details)
I think the best and effective way is to write it down and then you sort it out using this formula.
2 years ago
but why is x between 4 and 9?
2 years ago
No, not 4 to 9. But rather 4 to a invisible number. It is like..( 4 +x )/2 = 5.5

So we are working backwards.
2 years ago
ohh but why is it 4+x ?
2 years ago
Sorry for the late reply. The reason for X is because this question is talking about Median. If the set of numbers is 1,2 ,3,4 then median is (2+3)/2.
If the set of numbers is 1,2,3, then the median is 2. Hope you get it now.