Yao Shian's answer to Clara's Junior College 2 H2 Maths Singapore question.

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Yao Shian
Yao Shian's answer
13 answers (A Helpful Person)
No need use binomial distribution,
The question is asking for a range of values within a week, and accidents each day event is independent of each other.
So u can add up the 1.45 each day for 7 days.

P(6<_X<_9) can be re written as
From here, u can use gc to calculate.
3 years ago
Sorry, must use a new r.v. with a new mean
Yao Shian
Yao Shian
3 years ago
Yes, I wrote add up 1.45 each day for 7 days worth. So it technically means a new mean.
3 years ago
Right, the r.v. need to use another symbol too. like Y.