Sim Jia Xin Jasmine's answer to question 7a's Secondary 2 Maths Singapore question.

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Sim Jia Xin Jasmine
Sim Jia Xin Jasmine's answer
23 answers (Tutor Details)
(a) Size of the eggshells, mass of the eggshells, volume of hydrochloric acid, volume of gas syringe
(b) To collect the carbon dioxide released from the eggshells. (Why C02? Because carbonate is always dissolved into CO2
(c) Undissolved eggshells could still contain calcium carbonate, which could cause the carbon dioxide released to be lower than it supposed to be, affecting the result of the experiment
(d) The eggshell which pushes the gas syringe to a higher height would have the largest amount of calcium carbonate.

Hope this will help you. :)