DeAndre Lim Hai Jie's answer to natasha zamin's Primary 6 Maths Data Analysis Singapore question.

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DeAndre Lim Hai Jie
Deandre Lim Hai Jie's answer
23 answers (Tutor Details)
2 Tables + 20 Chairs = $840 — (1)

She spends $120 more on the tables than the chairs;

2 Tables = $120 + 20 Chairs — (2)

From (1),
2 Tables = $840 - 20 Chairs — (3)

(2) = (3)
$120 + 20 Chairs = $840 - 20 Chairs
20 Chairs + 20 Chairs = $840 - $120
40 Chairs = $720
1 Chair = $18