Priscilla Ng's answer to Alice's Primary 3 Maths Singapore question.
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Understanding what numerator and denominator represent helps to compare fractions.
numerator represent how many parts from each whole you are comparing and the denominator tell you the number of parts each whole is being cut into equally.
In each fraction, the numerator is 5. we are comparing 5 parts from each whole but each whole is cut into different number of pieces. The greater denominator show each whole is cut into more pieces, hence each part is smaller.
5/6 = 5 out of 6 biggest parts. So 5/6 is greatest
numerator represent how many parts from each whole you are comparing and the denominator tell you the number of parts each whole is being cut into equally.
In each fraction, the numerator is 5. we are comparing 5 parts from each whole but each whole is cut into different number of pieces. The greater denominator show each whole is cut into more pieces, hence each part is smaller.
5/6 = 5 out of 6 biggest parts. So 5/6 is greatest
Date Posted:
3 years ago