Yutong's answer to Daequan's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.

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Yutong's answer
25 answers (A Helpful Person)
Ignore my workings at the bottom right corner.
3 years ago
how did u derive the outputs for F & H from truth table?
3 years ago
Use the Karnaugh Map (the 2 tables at the top right corner), AB\CD, then you fill in the table with the outputs of F and H respectively for different combinations of ABCD (as shown in the truth table). From the map, group as many 1s as possible, in groups of 2 or 4 or 8 or 16 etc (powers of 2 except 1). Then you find the similarities in each group, e.g. A is always 0, means not A). Then you combine the results of each group using + sign, this result is the output of F or H respectively. You can read up on the Karnaugh Map to get more detailed explanations.
3 years ago
i see thank you so much i get it now