Jasper Eng's answer to Jackson's Secondary 4 E Maths Singapore question.

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Jasper Eng
Jasper Eng's answer
86 answers (Tutor Details)
a) from 35min mark in graph, mark up
Number of people = 55 //

b) from 55min mark in graph, mark up,
And take the remaining cumulative frequency
Number of people = 100 - 92
= 8 //

c) 70th percentile => 70th person
From graph,
Time = 41minutes //

d) median => 50th person
From graph,
Time = 34minutes //

e) 25th percentile:
Time= 24.5min
75th percentile:
Time = 43min
:. Interquartile range:
24.5mins to 43 mins //

The graph couldn't be seen clearly, so the solution may differ in abit*