Jolene Hoo's answer to mint's Junior College 2 H2 Maths Singapore question.

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Jolene Hoo
Jolene Hoo's answer
50 answers (Tutor Details)
hope it'll help :)
3 years ago
⅓ - (⅓ - 1/(2n + 3)) = 1/(2n + 3) instead of -1/(2n + 3)

-0.001 < 1/(2n + 3) < 0.001

Next, there's no need to flip sign.

Writing it as -0.001 > 1/(2n + 3) > 0.001 would be incorrect, as it suggest that it is smaller than -0.001 or bigger than 0.001, instead of being in between them.

Next part, it should be written as :

2n + 3 < -1000 OR 2n + 3 > 1000

n < -1003/2 or n > 997/2

n < -501.5 or n > 498.5

Writing it as -1000 > 2n + 3 > 1000 doesn't make sense as 2n + 3 cannot smaller than -1000 and yet bigger than 1000 at the same time.