AC Lim's answer to Apple's Primary 6 Maths Data Analysis Singapore question.
{{ upvoteCount }} Upvotes
{{ downvoteCount * -1 }} Downvotes
Page 1 to 9 = 9 digits
Page 10 to 99 = 20 × 9 =180 digits
222 - 9 - 180 = 33
33 ÷ 3 = 11 pages
Page from 100 to 110 = 33 digits
Total pages = 110 pages
Hope this helps
Page 10 to 99 = 20 × 9 =180 digits
222 - 9 - 180 = 33
33 ÷ 3 = 11 pages
Page from 100 to 110 = 33 digits
Total pages = 110 pages
Hope this helps
Date Posted:
3 years ago