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Primary 1 | Maths
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A Philips
A Philips

Primary 1 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Very confusing

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 693
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Something is not right with the question.

In any three-number formation (eg 1 + 7 = 8), the sum of the three numbers is even. This is because in the possible combinations odd + odd = even, odd + even = odd and even + even = even, the sum of the three numbers in any such combination is always even.

We need three of such combinations, which would need to total an even number.

And yet, 1 + 2 + ... + 9 = 45 which is odd.

So, question is flawed.
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
I think so too. Thanks

See 2 Answers

For each question,the 2 circles that eventually lead to the last circle are the numbers that add up to the number in the last. Example: 4 and 5 are to be written in the 2 circles. 9 should be written in the last circle as it is the addition of 4 and 5. Hope this helps. :)
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Lastknight's answer
1 answers (A Helpful Person)
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
The numbers can only be used once for all the 3 number bonds
4 years ago
Yes, which is probably the difficult part that you need to solve.
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
That’s where help is needed. One way or another one number is used twice
4 years ago
For starters, 1 and 2 can be added to become 3 since they are the only numbers that can be added to form 3.
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
As I have tried, one of the number bonds will have a number repeated. If you can solve this then please do so.
4 years ago
I can try but I am a Sec 1 student so it might take a while as I am multitasking.
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
It’s ok
4 years ago
I am trying a lot of combinations and none of them can fit the condition of ‘all numbers must be used once’.
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
I think something is wrong with the question
4 years ago
I can’t seem to be able to find an answer to this question. I am sorry.
A Philips
A Philips
4 years ago
No worries. Thanks for trying
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Question is flawed. I have included an explanation in the main question chat box.
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Alexander's answer
4 answers (A Helpful Person)
The solution and answer I hope you understand :)