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secondary 2 | Maths
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secondary 2 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

help to factorise by algebraic identities

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 295

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Ting Xuan
Ting Xuan's answer
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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
No; it’s not (2x + 1)^2.

It’s (x + 0.5)^2.

You must not convert the (x + 0.5) into (2x + 1) because this is not an equation. This is an expression.
4 years ago
(2x + 1)² = 4x² + 4x + 1 = 4(x² + x + ¼), which is actually 4 times of the expression given.
Recall the algebraic identity (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b².
So what we need to do is to rewrite ¼ + x + x² into this form.
¼ + x + x²
= (½)² + 2(½)(x) + x²
= (½ + x)²
Here, our a = ½ and b = x

Alternatively, since a and b are actually interchangeable since a + b = b + a.
So we could rewrite it as (x + ½)²
= x² + 2(x)(½) + (½)²
= x² + x + ¼
Here, our a = x and b = ½
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J's answer
1024 answers (A Helpful Person)
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Cross factorisation is more appealing to me.

Or, I could factor out a 1/4 to make it easier to the eye.

1/4 + x + x^2
= 1/4 (1 + 4x + 4x^2)
= ...

And then we split 1/4 as 1/2 x 1/2 before integrating them into each bracket.
4 years ago
Perhaps an assured method, but slow and troublesome.

Students should build intuition in knowing how to spot factors out from expressions.

This example is fairly simple anyway.
4 years ago
Anyway, the student asked to factorise by algebraic identities so rewriting in the a² + 2ab + b² form is probably what she wants, rather than cross factorisation.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
The most probable reason why the student brought up the question is that he/she is unable to spot the factorisation together when one or more of the values are in fraction form.
4 years ago
That's the whole point of this question. Learning to spot factors.

Things like 1/9 = (⅓)² , ¼ = (½)² , x = ½(2)x and ¼x = 2(⅛)x = 2(½)(¼x) = 2(¼)(½x)

At higher levels, these would become second nature