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junior college 1 | H1 Maths
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Mohamed Sulaiman
Mohamed Sulaiman

junior college 1 chevron_right H1 Maths

Logic Gate

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 1299
Tham KY
Tham KY
7 years ago
Can't read question clearly... What are the input at A, B and C?
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
7 years ago
could you provide a clearer picture please? cant see clearly.

See 2 Answers

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Cerys Ng Siew Ming
Cerys Ng Siew Ming's answer
39 answers (Tutor Details)
Do it slowly. List down the ABC sequence first.
Mohamed Sulaiman
Mohamed Sulaiman
7 years ago
Hi i think its wrong i will send question again
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
7 years ago
for Y 11101110
for Z 11111111
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
7 years ago
W and X ans remains the same
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Mohamed Sulaiman
Mohamed Sulaiman's answer
1 answers (A Helpful Person)
The first part of logic gate B NAND C PLEASE CHECK
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
7 years ago
It's still very blur. if you still need help, just take the picture of the question. I know the sequence of each logic gate.
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
Cerys Ng Siew Ming
7 years ago
Oh....I saw the NAND gate already. Will do it for you later.