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secondary 2 | Maths
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secondary 2 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Pls help

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 345
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Use the substitution a = 1/x and b = 1/y. It should be much simpler for you.

4a + 15b = 15
1.4a - 6b = 3

First equation multiplied by 2 gives
8a + 30b = 30

Second equation multiplied by 5 gives
7a - 30b = 15

Add the two results together and we get
(8a + 30b) + (7a - 30b) = 30 + 15
15a = 45
a = 3

Looking at the first equation,
4 (3) + 15b = 15
12 + 15b = 15
15b = 3
b = 1/5

So, we have a = 3 and b = 1/5.

But let’s not forget that the questions come as x and y.

1/x = 3 implies x = 1/3
1/y = 1/5 implies y = 5

So, x = 1/3 and y = 5.

See 2 Answers

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Jung Wook Young
Jung Wook Young's answer
53 answers (Tutor Details)
There you go.
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Mason Fung
Mason Fung's answer
2 answers (Tutor Details)
Sorry, I skipped some steps, but generally hope it is clear for you. Always remember to sub in your final answers to check! hope this helps!