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Elissa Boustany
Elissa Boustany


It would be great if you could explain to me what the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis would be. Is it this way H0 u>=1000 H1 u<1000
or this way H0 u<=1000 H1 >1000

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 337

See 1 Answer

It should be
H0 u >= 1000
H1 u < 1000

This is because you are testing if it is underfilled or not. H0 accounts for the cases where a bag is filled just enough, AND the case where the bags are filled more than enough. When H0 is not satisfied, the bags can thus be said to be underfilled, as per H1.

On the other hand, by using
H0 u <= 1000
H1 u > 1000

H0 accounts for both cases where a pack is underfilled, AND for the case where a pack is filled exactly enough. It is thus not right to say that the bags are underfilled if H0 is satisfied, since a bag that is filled just enough is should not be considered underfilled.

Hope this helps!
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