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Secondary 1 | Maths
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Camille saunier
Camille Saunier

Secondary 1 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Hello I am struggling to answer this question could anyone explain in detail thanks!

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 361
4 years ago
Make y the subject means to manipulate the expression such that you get y = ______
4 years ago
A = r(y + 2)/5

Step① : Multiply both sides by 5 to get rid of the denominator

5 x A = 5 x r(y + 2)/5
5A = r(y + 2)

Step ② : divide both sides by r

5A ÷ r = r(y + 2) ÷ r
5A / r = y + 2

Step ③ : subtract 2 from both sides

5A/r - 2 = y + 2 - 2

5A/r - 2 = y

Rewrite as y = 5A/r - 2


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Matthew Poh
Matthew Poh's answer
4 answers (Tutor Details)
it is abit confusing, but i tried to explain as best as I can. Hope this helps. If I made any errors, do correct me.