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primary 5 | Maths | Angles & Geometry
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Angles & Geometry chevron_right Singapore

Pls help

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 389
3 years ago
You should be able to find that the lengths of squares X, Y and Z are 6cm, 9cm and 12cm respectively.

Draw a straight line from the top left corner of square Y to the bottom right corner.

You have now divided the shaded area into two triangles.

The smaller triangle has a height equal to length of square Y (9cm).

It has a base equal to the difference between the length of square Y and X.

Difference in length of square X and Y

= 9cm - 6cm
= 3cm

Area of smaller triangle
= ½ x 3cm x 9cm
= ½ x 27cm²
= 13½ cm²

The bigger triangle also has a height equal to length of square Y (9cm).

It has a base equal to the length of square Z (12cm)

Area of bigger triangle
= ½ x 12cm x 9cm
= 6cm x 9cm
= 54cm²

Total area of shaded parts

= 54cm² + 13½ cm²
= 67½cm²

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Leanne's answer
187 answers (A Helpful Person)
Draw an imaginary / dotted line from edge of square x to square y. Will make it easier for you to know the length and calculate
3 years ago
3 years ago
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