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secondary 4 | E Maths
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Royal Lim
Royal Lim

secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

Can someone explain to me?I still don't understand how to do this qn

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 477

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Alicia's answer
3 answers (Tutor Details)
Try imagining the segment as part of an entire circle. So what you would have to do is to find the difference between the entire circle and the shaded portion.

To find area of shaded portion, you need to find the area of arc AOC first by calculating the angle AOC. After you’ve found the area of the arc, you need to subtract the triangular portion AOC which can be done by using pythagoras’ theorem to get the length of BC = AB.

After you’ve got the area of the arc and the triangular portion, the difference will be the shaded region and you’ll need to just find the difference between the area of your entire circle and your shaded region!

Hope it helps :-)
Royal Lim
Royal Lim
4 years ago
Thank you!