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secondary 2 | Maths
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Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear

secondary 2 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Can someone pls help Qb ,thk

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 227
3 years ago
The answer is correct.

For something to be a perfect square, it has to be to the power of 2.

The 2 in the question is to the power of 3, so we have to make it such that the power is a multiple of 2 (x^2)^2 for it to be squared.

So you multiply by two. Then the 5 has to be a square also, so you need to multiply by another 5, because 5^(1+1).

so in the end you have to do 5 X 2 = 10 to get a square-ble number.

if you don't understand please tell me! Thank you, and hope this helps :)
Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear
3 years ago
Thank a lot

See 2 Answers

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Quinn's answer
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Hope you understand.
Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear
3 years ago
Can u pls help further , how u get 2x5 , thk
AC Lim
AC Lim
3 years ago
@Linda, to have perfect square...
All notations must be ².
Here n= 2³ × 3² × 5 × k
To form 2⁴ × 3² × 5² (or 2² × 2² × 3² × 5²)
Therefore k = 2¹ × 5¹ = 2 × 5 =10.
Hope this helps.
Pooh pooh bear
Pooh Pooh Bear
3 years ago
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Xavier Au
Xavier Au's answer
12 answers (A Helpful Person)
In order foe the number to be a perfect square, the powers of its prime factors must be even