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secondary 4 | A Maths
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sos...i think this question is about quadratic function I don't know how to do
Proving that the function is positive basically means that you have to prove that the function will always be equal to or greater than zero.
Since x and y are real, they can either be positive or negative integers. Since x and y are squared in the function, 4x^2 +10y^2 will definitely give you a positive number.
The sum of 4x^2 + 10y^2 will be greater than the effect of -12xy, which may or may not be positive depending on the values of x and y. If both x and y are positive, -12xy will negative. If one positive one negative, -12xy will be positive so on and forth.
Hence, 4x^2 -12xy + 10y^2 will always be equal to or greater than zero and is hence positive.
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