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junior college 2 | H2 Maths
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Sin Wei Chuen
Sin Wei Chuen

junior college 2 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

help needed for ii only. I suspect infinite geometric sum or McClaurin...

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 582
Tham KY
Tham KY
4 years ago
Is answer 2/45?
Sin Wei Chuen
Sin Wei Chuen
4 years ago
given 8/125. My own 8/153.

My solution (need to be verified so I didn’t post as ans to attract views)
(1/3)^3 [1+ (1/6)(1/2) + (1/6)(1/2)^2 + (1/6)^2(1/2)^2 + (1/6)^2(1/2)^3 ...] =
(1/3)^3 [1 + 7/24 + 7/156 + 7/13824...] =
(1/3)^3 [1 + (7/24)/(1- 1/24)] =
Sin Wei Chuen
Sin Wei Chuen
4 years ago
Rationale: Counting from the end of the infinite sequence. 1 is the shortest sequence possible of rolling 3 or 5 consecutively. 1/6 accounts for rolling of 1. (1/2)^2 accounts for longest possible roll on 3 or 5 (roll on 1 is also summed within). Subsequent 1/6 is to break chain. the powers follow a geometric sequence when grouped into 3.
Sin Wei Chuen
Sin Wei Chuen
4 years ago

very similar but less complicated question solved using Markov chain. (Google search link or use website then copy paste)
Tham KY
Tham KY
4 years ago
Is there any way in part a or b show formula to do summation of (r+1)(r+1)/(6^r)? I used GC I got 0.06399999, which is 8/125...
Sin Wei Chuen
Sin Wei Chuen
4 years ago
Nope, you could refer to the full question posted as “answer”

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I got exact value!