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Primary 3 | Maths
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Primary 3 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Hi, how do I explain to my child the best way to handle this question? Does he need to convert all to the same denominator first ?

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 313
AC Lim
AC Lim
4 years ago
Numerator are all same for this question.
Just tell the bigger number of denominator, the smaller value will be. ...
4/5 is bigger value then 4/12.
I will explain this way...
A cake cut to 5 equal part/portions, you take 4 of it.
And cake cut to 12 equal part/portions, you take 4, which one is bigger portions?
Or you can draw the cake and color the fraction, let he/she have a visualization of which is bigger shaded.
Hope this work to you. ;)

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Hope this helps
4 years ago
Thank you !