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primary 5 | Maths
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Yeo Kai Ting
Yeo Kai Ting

primary 5 chevron_right Maths

Is actually science but SOMEONE HELP

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 359
7 years ago
(a) Water is boiled and has changed its state to gaseous state. As it comes into contact with the iron tray, the moisture from steam condenses and reaches the edge of the tray, condensing into liquid state. Therefore, dripping into the beaker.

(B) probably not all of the gas (steam) are condensed? Im not sure

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Kan Cheng Yee Cyndi
Kan Cheng Yee Cyndi's answer
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Hi the first point is actually water vapour. And i did this based on memory from pri school haha so please write in your own words.Hope this helped!