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primary 6 | Maths | Data Analysis
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Data analysis chevron_right Singapore

I need Help and an understanding method with answers . Thank You

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 235
AC Lim
AC Lim
4 years ago
You need to fix amount of pear. Let say Pear = 2u...

See 3 Answers

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Mokan's answer
52 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps!

In the first part of the question we dont know how big the '207' part of the model is. But in the second part, even after two times as many apples are sold and still left with 72, we can see how much the '207' part takes up.
(Key point: In both scenarios, the total number of fruits remain the same)
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AC Lim
Ac Lim's answer
13114 answers (A Helpful Person)
Hope this helps.
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Mokan's answer
52 answers (A Helpful Person)
Re-uploading this, as I thought the price was written as 1$ 80cents. It is revised with price per pear at 80 cents, apologies for the inconvenience and hope it helps!