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primary 6 | Maths
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Winston Koh
Winston Koh

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore


Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 302
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
3 years ago
The "distance" between 70 and 86 is 16 units. The "distance" between 86 and 92 is 6 units.

The ratio of the numbers must be reversed for us to obtain this particular average score of 86.

p/n is 6/16, or 3/8.



For every 3 students scoring 70 marks and 8 students scoring 92,

Total number of marks
= 3 x 70 + 8 x 92
= 210 + 736
= 946

Total number of students
= 3 + 8
= 11

Average score
= 946 / 11
= 86

Repeat this pattern for as many groups in that manner and the average remains 86.

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