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primary 5 | Maths | Rate & Ratio
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Ms. Chia
Ms. Chia

primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Rate & Ratio chevron_right Singapore

Hi, I added 2:4:9 but I won't get whole number as answer when divided by 70. Pls assist me. Thank you

Date Posted: 3 years ago
Views: 725
AC Lim
AC Lim
3 years ago
E and F different 70.
3 years ago
Since F has 70 fewer marbles than E,
[E - F = 9u - 4u = 5u] => 5u = 70
So, 1u = 70/5 = 14

Do let me know if you're still unclear, I'll post the entire answer. Have fun trying!
Ms. Chia
Ms. Chia
3 years ago
Thank you for the clarification Sanjana...☺️

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Hope this helps
Ms. Chia
Ms. Chia
3 years ago
Thank you tutor...for the clarity and working. Appreciate your help.