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secondary 4 | E Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

I need help

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 202

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Joshua Chan
Joshua Chan's answer
40 answers (A Helpful Person)
Part (1). Remember that gradient of perpendicular line is negative inverse of the parallel lines. Form the line equation of the perpendicular line and try to find the coordinates that it intersects each of the parallel lines. A tip would be to draw the imaginary perpendicular line starting from a coordinate that is easy to deal with, for example, a (0,3) coordinate coz the x intercept is 0. It makes it easier to find the line equation
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Joshua Chan
Joshua Chan's answer
40 answers (A Helpful Person)
After finding the coordinates for which it intercepts the 2 parallel lines, we can use the perpendicular distance formula to find out the distance. A and B are marked on the graphs so you can see the reference point.