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secondary 4 | A Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

I don't understand part ii of the question

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 214
Himavad Gopal
Himavad Gopal
4 years ago
Did you see the 2nd part of the answer provided to your previous question? Do you need more explanation on that?

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Wee Yong Geng, Eldric
Wee Yong Geng, Eldric's answer
63 answers (Tutor Details)
Part (ii) of the question simply asks for you to use the derivation from part (i): the partial fractions to determine the integrated form of the required expression.

Since turning the complex fraction into a sum of fractions with order of -1 (linear^-1) or -2 (quadratic^-1), the resultant partial fraction form is easily integrable either with d/dx ln(x) or d/dx 1/x as reference