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primary 6 | Science
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Can someone answer this question for me? Please help me ASAP!!!
For (1), A & B are unlike poles, so they can attract each other. C is non-magnetic material, so B cannot attract C.
(2) is incorrect because the second part contradicts. A & B are unlike poles and can attract. But C is steel which is magnetic material, so B can also attract C.
(3) is incorrect because B is not magnetic material, so no magnet can attract B. As for A, the name "steel block" suggest that it may be just normal unmagnetised steel block.
(4) is incorrect because A is not magnetic material, so B will not be able to attract A.
Final answer : (1)
Note that for this experiment, we can tell that A and B CAN be unlike poles of magnets, but not necessary MUST be. If one of them is a magnet, and the other one is just normal magnetic material, we will still get the same observations.
Only when 2 objects repel, then we can be sure that both MUST be magnets because only like poles of magnets can repel each other.
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