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primary 5 | Maths
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primary 5 chevron_right Maths

Can anyone help me?? Thanks!!

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 361
Muhd Ilman Fahmi
Muhd Ilman Fahmi
7 years ago
Draw dotted lines at the top left corner of the figure so you get a large rectangle. Fine the area of this large rectange

Now you need 3 different areas. The first area would be the small dotted rectangle at the top left corner. The next is the isoceles triangle on the right, and finally is the area of the right angle triangle at the bottom left corner.

If you get the dimensions of each of these areas, you can get the areas correctly.

Finally, with the area of the largest rectangle, subtract the areas of the 3 shapes mentioned and you will get the area of the shaded part

Hope it helps

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Yeo Wei Hong
Yeo Wei Hong's answer
68 answers (A Helpful Person)
find unshaded area first
7 years ago
Thank you!
7 years ago
Thank you!