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secondary 4 | A Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

Pls help. Thank you

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 246
4 years ago
k = (1 + sinx) / cosx

1/k = cosx / (1 + sinx)

= cosx / (1 + sinx) × (1 - sinx)/(1 - sinx)

(Rationalising the denominator)

= cosx (1 - sinx) / (1² - sin²x)

( (a - b)(a + b) = a² - b²)

= cosx (1 - sinx) / (cos²x)

(1² = 1, 1 - sin²x = cos²x )

= (1 - sinx) / cosx

(Cancel out common factor cosx)
4 years ago
k = (1 + sinx) / cosx ①

1/k = (1 - sinx) / cosx ②

① ÷ ② :

k / (1/k) = (1 + sinx) / cosx ÷ (1 - sinx) / cosx

k² = (1 + sinx)/(1 - sinx)

k²(1 - sinx) = 1 + sinx

k² - k² sinx = 1 + sinx

sinx (1 + k²) = k² - 1

sinx = (k² - 1) / (1 + k²)
4 years ago
k = (1 + sinx) / cosx ①

1/k = (1 - sinx) / cosx ②

From ①, k cosx = 1 + sinx

From ②, cosx / k = 1 - sinx

Add these together,

k cosx + cosx / k = 1 + sinx + 1 - sinx

cosx (k + 1/k) = 2

cos x = 2/(k + 1/k)

= 2 / ((k² + 1)/k)

= 2k/(k² + 1)

See 3 Answers

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Harini's answer
2 answers (A Helpful Person)
i’m a sec 4 student too so this was like a practise to me :) hope you understand my solution !! jiayou :)
4 years ago
edit: seems like my second part is wrong. sorry if it confused you :/
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Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau's answer
317 answers (Tutor Details)
4 years ago
sinx can be found on its own without using the result from cosx. Divide the first equation by the second.

Jona, you can check out an alternative working in the main comments section
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Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau's answer
317 answers (Tutor Details)
this is the answer for your earlier question which I believe was deleted.

this question is more challenging and I had to work from both directions in order to see the link.
Boy Mow Chau
Boy Mow Chau
4 years ago
tips for solving proving type of questions

1. work from the side which looks more "complicated".

2. know your trigonometric identities well. need not memorize them as most are given in the formula sheet, but you need to learn when and how to apply them.

3. if there are any composite angles (2θ, 3θ, etc), split them out as much as possible).

4. if there are sec, cosec, cot functions, try to convert to sin, cos functions.

5. if you get stuck, you can try to work from the other side to find the link.
however, for final presentation, you need to present the working continuously from one end to the other end.
4 years ago
Thank you very much! Really appreciate it.