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primary 6 | Maths | Measurement
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primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Measurement chevron_right Singapore

Please help. Are we able to use factor method instead of substitution?

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 366
4 years ago
This is the 'excess-shortage' type of question.

Question's info :

① If each girl takes 10 sweets, the last girl has only 6.

②But if each girl takes 8 sweets, there are 24 sweets left over.

The idea is to convert scenario ① to ②.

If we want every girl to only have 8 sweets, then those who took 10 sweets will have to give up 2 sweets each.

By doing so, the last girl can get 2 more sweets to have a total of 8. And there can still be 24 sweets left over.

So in total, 24 + 2 = 26

A total of 26 sweets would have been given up by all those girls who took 10 sweets each at first.

Since each girl except the last gave up 2 sweets,

26 ÷ 2 = 13

There were 13 of these girls.

Add the last girl,

13 + 1 = 14

There are 14 girls in total.

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Brian Chiong
Brian Chiong's answer
44 answers (Tutor Details)
Hi, this is one method you could consider using. Hope this helps!
4 years ago
Thank you. Totally understand.