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secondary 3 | E Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right E Maths chevron_right Singapore

Can someone please help me with qns 5? Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 488
Muhd Yosef Azmi
Muhd Yosef Azmi
4 years ago
Hi Syarifah, what is the formula to find volume of a) cone and b) cylinder?
4 years ago
Vol. Of a cone = 1/3 π r² h
Vol. Of a cylinder = π r² h
Muhd Yosef Azmi
Muhd Yosef Azmi
4 years ago
If follow the formula you just provided, this means that the volume of container is addition of both cylinder and cone.

Total volume of container (in terms of pi):
4/3 pi r^2 h cm^3

We know h is 7cm and r is 4cm. You do the calculation. That is the answer part a (in cm3).
4 years ago
My answer is 149 1/3 π cm³.
Can you instruct me now on how to do part b? Does my answer still need to be in terms of π?
Muhd Yosef Azmi
Muhd Yosef Azmi
4 years ago
For part b, you have provided the cone formula 1/3 pi r^2 h. Since r is 4 and h is 7, the volume of cone in terms of pi is 112pi / 3 cm3.

Since (your answer from part a) takes 56s
112pi/3 takes 56 / (part a answer) x 112pi/3.

Your answer should be 14s. *Give it a try*
Muhd Yosef Azmi
Muhd Yosef Azmi
4 years ago
Yes your part a answer is correct. Good attempt! :)
4 years ago
I don't understand your explanation for part b , isn't the cone volume 37 1/3 π? And why is it per 3 seconds? Since u stated 112pi / 3cm³
Muhd Yosef Azmi
Muhd Yosef Azmi
4 years ago
There are 3 types of fractions. I left mine in improper fraction. You left yours in mixed numbers. Both are correct.
4 years ago
Oh I'm sorry I mistook your answer for 112 pi per 3
4 years ago
Is the answer 14 seconds?
Muhd Yosef Azmi
Muhd Yosef Azmi
4 years ago
Yes that is correct. For part c, you have to plot the graph.

Do note that the first 14s is when the water fills up the cone. It is fast because the cone has smaller volume comparing the cylinder. So u draw a straight line from 0 to 7cm (at 14s). And then you connect that with another straight line to 14cm (at 56s).

Hope my assistance have benefitted you. Good luck.
4 years ago
Thank you so much for your help. I hope you will help me with other questions that I have in future. Thank you for your time! :)
I really appreciate it

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Muhd Yosef Azmi
Muhd Yosef Azmi's answer
14 answers (Tutor Details)
3 types of fractions.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
You may have posted a correct answer to the wrong page.
Muhd Yosef Azmi
Muhd Yosef Azmi
4 years ago
Pak, gua lagi tolong terangin 3 jenis fraction.
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Ok. Just realised you had the mixed fraction part in the main question chat box.