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junior college 1 | H1 Maths
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Justin Tan
Justin Tan

junior college 1 chevron_right H1 Maths chevron_right Singapore

How to do 1e,2d,2e and 3

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 398

See 3 Answers

1e) MF26: 2cos^2 A -1 = cos2A

2cos^2 A = cos2A + 1
cos^2 A = 1/2 [ cos 2A+1]

sub into the qn,
1/2 [cos 2A + 1] = 1
cos 2A +1 = 2
cos 2A = 1
2A = cos-1 (1)
then just find A by dividing by 2 :)

(i used A instead of tita for simplification)
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Sherming's answer
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2d) & 2e)

they are quadratic equations !
key into calculator / gc like how u usually solve quadratic eqns

then u will end up with 2 answers usually
cos x= ? , cos x = !
reject one of them due to the limit given in qn
[ x is between 0 and 2pi ]
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Sherming's answer
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Justin Tan
Justin Tan
4 years ago
For 2e i got A= 3 and A=0.5
3) sub h= 0,
sin^2 t - 0.2sin t = 0

same as qn 2d & 2e , use calculator to solve quadratic eqn!!!

the first 4 times is the 4 smallest t u get

the first time is confirm t=0

alternatively, u can draw sine graph if u dw use calculator to find ans :)
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Sherming's answer
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