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Secondary 1 | Science
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Secondary 1 chevron_right Science chevron_right Singapore


Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 1083

See 2 Answers

The first one is probably got to do with the table above. Since it only shows different types of solid and whether is in soluble is water or alcohol, therefore the answer will be
(1) type of solid
(2) type of solution it is dissolved in

For part B, it has got to do with separation techniques. Look at the table and you should be able to get the answer.
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Xiu Hui
Xiu Hui's answer
4 answers (A Helpful Person)
4 years ago
a) The two factors are types of solute and types of solvent

b) First we add alcohol to the three solids to dissolve solid Q and filter the undissolved solids using filter paper (which will be P and R since they cannot be dissolved in alcohol). Next we add water to the mixture of solids P and R. (this is to dissolve solid P to obtain a solution) and filter off the undissolved solid R. Retain the solution and evaporate it to dryness to obtain solid P.
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Vivian Chua Zi Xuan
Vivian Chua Zi Xuan's answer
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