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Secondary 1 | Science
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Secondary 1 chevron_right Science chevron_right Singapore


Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 1036
Ng Bi Qi
Ng Bi Qi
4 years ago
a) Hypothesis: Fine sugar dissolves faster than coarse sugar

b) Dependent variable is the size of the sugar.

c) 1) Increase the temperature
2) Increase stirring speed

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Coarse sugar takes longer time to dissolve then fine sugar
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fujita natsuo
Fujita Natsuo's answer
3 answers (A Helpful Person)
a) The coarser the sugar, the longer it takes for it to dissolve.

b) The dependent variable is the amount of sugar added for dissolving.

c) The two methods are to increase the stirring speed and increasing the temperature of the water.
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Vivian Chua Zi Xuan
Vivian Chua Zi Xuan's answer
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