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Hope this helps
Date Posted:
4 years ago
Thanks, my sister really needed it
One thing to take note. When question say... they left with equal number.... we made the numerator to same value (ie, 24 for this question).
One thing to take note. When question say... they left with equal number.... we made the numerator to same value (ie, 24 for this question).
I just realized... we can made the numerator to 12 instead of 24.
Common multiple of 6 and 4 are 12 too...
So 12/22 = 12/21
22u - 21u = 25
1u = 25
Total boy at 1st = 22u
So, 22x 25 = 550.
Common multiple of 6 and 4 are 12 too...
So 12/22 = 12/21
22u - 21u = 25
1u = 25
Total boy at 1st = 22u
So, 22x 25 = 550.