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secondary 4 | A Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

hi can someone help me check if there's an error in ans answer key.
for the value of p and q
p i got 1 while q I got 0, a I got 3.
no matter how I try i can't get the ans key answer q is - 42

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 204
Calvin Wong Tuition
Calvin Wong Tuition
4 years ago
Hint: a=3
4 years ago
that's what I got but when I sub a=3 I get 0

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Calvin Wong Tuition
Calvin Wong Tuition's answer
63 answers (Tutor Details)
From Calvin W
4 years ago
omg I sub in wrong place thanks
Calvin Wong Tuition
Calvin Wong Tuition
4 years ago
It's ok
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Even the third and fourth lines need to have "+...".

It is likely that 1 mark will be deducted from the working for this inaccuracy, since truncating the expansion without "+..." means that the expansion of the terms stops there.
4 years ago
Not just the 3rd and 4th line, it's every line. Notice that the (1 - 4x)³ was not fully expanded and there was no '+ ...'
4 years ago
Also there's a slight error in that it's 64a²x² , missing the exponent there
4 years ago
(1 + ax)⁴ (1 - 4x)³

= (1 + 4ax + 6(ax)² + ...)(1 + 3(-4x) + 3(-4x)² +...)

= (1 + 4ax + 6a²x² +...)(1 - 12x + 48x² +...)

= 1 - 12x + 48x² + 4ax - 48ax² + 6a²x² +...

= 1 + (4a - 12)x + (48 - 48a + 6a²)x² +...

(You may also use the ≈ sign if you don't want to write the +...)

Since the first 2 terms are p and qx²,

p = 1

4a - 12 = 0
4a = 12
a = 3

q = 48 - 48(3) + 6(3²)

= 48 - 144 + 54
= -42