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secondary 4 | A Maths
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secondary 4 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

I don't understand the question

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 284

See 2 Answers

It means that you have to manipulate the left hand side of the equation such that it turns out to look like the right hand side of the same equation.
For example, for part ii), you have to manipulate cot x + tan x to form cosec x sec x, and then end off your working with
"Hence, LHS = RHS (proven)"
*LHS refers to the left hand side
*RHS refers to the right hand side
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Arennea Golen
Arennea Golen's answer
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Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K's answer
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Good evening Tara! Here are my workings for this question. Our objective is to transform one side of the equation to the other side. Typically I start from the side with a “plus” connector and end off with the side having a “times” connector.