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junior college 2 | H2 Maths
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Wee Teck
Wee Teck

junior college 2 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

How to do uh?

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 290

See 3 Answers

For part i, you can actually list out the possible scenarios to get the answer since the numbers are small.

Assume A,B, and C are the envelopes with the address on them. Assume a,b and c are the letters to each individual.

In this case, Aa, Bb and Cc indicate that the correct envelope is paired with the correct letter.

The possibilities would as such be as follows:

1. Aa Bb Cc
2. Aa Bc Cb
3. Ab Ba Cc
4. Ab Bc Ca
5. Ac Bb Ca
6. Ac Ba Cb

Out of the 6 possibilities that the letter would be paired with the envelope, 3 of them allow for only 1 person to receive the accurate pair. Therefore, the probability is 3/6 or 50%
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Reuben Ngiau Jia Wen
Reuben Ngiau Jia Wen's answer
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Wee Teck
Wee Teck
4 years ago
As for part ii, the probability would be 0%. If 2 friends were to receive the correct letters, the third friend would receive his as well. Therefore it is impossible for only exactly 2 friends to receive the correct letters
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Reuben Ngiau Jia Wen
Reuben Ngiau Jia Wen's answer
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For part iii, the probability would be 1/6 as per the scenarios listed in part i
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Reuben Ngiau Jia Wen
Reuben Ngiau Jia Wen's answer
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