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primary 5 | Maths
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Ashley ong
Ashley Ong

primary 5 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Thanks much if someone can help out!

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 285
4 years ago

Area of 1 triangle

= ½ x LY x LZ
= ½ x 16cm x 12cm
= 8 x 12cm²
= 96cm²

Area of 4 triangles

= 4 x 96cm² (since all 4 are identical)
= 384cm²

Length LK = KZ - LZ
= LY - LZ (Since KZ = LY, identical sides of identical triangles)
= 16cm - 12cm
= 4cm

Area of square LKMN = 4cm x 4cm
= 16cm²

Area of square WXYZ
= Area of square LKMN + area of 4 triangles

= 16cm² + 384cm²
= 400cm²

One side of square WXYZ
= √400 cm
= 20cm

(Or, 400cm² = 20cm x 20cm. So one side is 20cm since area of square = side x side)

Perimeter = 20cm x 4 = 80cm
AC Lim
AC Lim
4 years ago
Alamak question lost .....

Assume all are delivered
50 x $8 = $400
Short fall = 400 - 300 = 100
Failed to deliver = -12 and -8 for should get if delivered. Total lost =$20
Therefore, 100/20 = 5 failed to deliver.
Total delivered = 50-5 = 45.
Hope this helps

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Answer = 80cm
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