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Primary 4 | Maths
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Catherine Wee Mui Chin
Catherine Wee Mui Chin

Primary 4 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Singapore

Is the answer 13? Thanks

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 267
Eric Nicholas K
Eric Nicholas K
4 years ago
Should be 14 trees, because there are 13 spaces between the first 78 m (78/6 = 13)

[For every n spaces, there needs to be (n + 1) trees, so for example, in the first 12 m there are 2 spaces in between so there are 3 trees.

The 15th tree cannot be planted, because there is not enough distance. This is reflected as the remainder when 82 is divided by 6.

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As shown in the diagram, for the first 5 trees, there are 4 gaps between each tree which is 6m each.

So for 5 trees, there are 4 gaps.

Maximum number of gaps for a distance of 82m= 82/6=13 (Remainder 4)

Therefore for 13 gaps, there should be 13+1=14 trees.

Answer: 14
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Megaa Bhaskar
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