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primary 5 | Maths
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Ruby Ng
Ruby Ng

primary 5 chevron_right Maths

Thank You:)

Date Posted: 8 years ago
Views: 996

See 2 Answers

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Ho wei yuan, Jordon
Ho Wei Yuan, Jordon's answer
9 answers (Tutor Details)
Hi there, is this the answer you were looking for? I'm not sure if you have touched on algebra already, but this is one possible solution!
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Yee Miao Ling
Yee Miao Ling's answer
29 answers (Tutor Details)
The above method works but algebra is only taught in P6 syllabus and even then it's basic algebra. So not sure if your school teacher will accept the algebra method for P5 homework. Here's an alternative without using algebra, but it's definitely longer with more working. :)

This question can be done with the help of drawing a model (it's optional). The important thing to remember is the word "of". When used with fraction or percentage or decimal, it is a hint that you need to multiply.

For example, 1/3 of 120 pupils, is 1/3 X 120
50% of $10 is 50% X $10, etc.