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secondary 3 | A Maths
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secondary 3 chevron_right A Maths chevron_right Singapore

Can someone help me with this question? I've tried many times but I can't seem to get the answer. Thank you!

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 356

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Divya Ryan
Divya Ryan's answer
11 answers (Tutor Details)
Here you go! Hope this helps.
4 years ago
Why do we have to times 2^2 to 13 in the sq root ?
4 years ago
And I don't rlly understand the last part so could u explain it to me? Thank youu
Divya Ryan
Divya Ryan
4 years ago
So in the step with 2^2 in the sq root, I’m moving the 2 in 2 √13 so that it is inside the √. Another way to look at it is 2 √13 = 2 * √13 = √(2^2) * √13. From this, we get 2 √13 = √52. From there, I removed the √ from both sides of the equation which allows us to more easily solve for a.

After we find a, we can use the equation for XY to solve for b. This gives us the coordinates for X. After that, we know from the question that X is the same distance from P as Y is from P. So in the last step: P is 6 units away from X on the x-axis (since the x-coordinate of X is 7 while that for P is 1) and P is 4 units away from X on the y-axis (since the y-coordinate of X is 5 while that for P is 1). So Y is the same distance away from P. That’s why in the last step I took the coordinates of P (1,1) and subtracted 6 and 4 respectively to get (-5, -3) as the coordinates of Y.

I hope that clarifies! Please let me know if anything is unclear. :)
4 years ago
Is it 1 must subtract 6 and 4 because it has to be the negative value since X is positive ?
Divya Ryan
Divya Ryan
4 years ago