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secondary 2 | Maths
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Muhd Adnin
Muhd Adnin

secondary 2 chevron_right Maths

When someone dies, does the digestion of food in the digestive system stop or continue to occur?

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 619
Katie Thomson
Katie Thomson
7 years ago
7 years ago
I think the system will stop...
7 years ago
Your body is not just your home. Rather it's also home to a host of bacteria that live on your skin, in your stomach and everywhere else you can imagine. Some of these bacteria are rather inert as far as we're concerned, while others can be malicious or helpful - even serving important roles in our body. The bacteria in your gut falls into this category and is responsible in part for digestion – meaning that you will continue to digest food after you're dead.
Koh Yi Shan
Koh Yi Shan
7 years ago
The digestive system stops as the body is unable to secrete any more digestive juice for digestion to occur. Moreover, when a person is pronounced dead, the whole body system is no longer functional.

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