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junior college 1 | H2 Maths
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junior college 1 chevron_right H2 Maths chevron_right Singapore

i need help with part ii thankss !

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 250

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Lim En Jie
Lim En Jie's answer
73 answers (Tutor Details)
Asymptotes don’t just include the denominator cannot be 0, whatever comes before that fraction after Long division is also asymptote in terms of y (e.g y=x+4 etc).
4 years ago
ahh so can just sub in the values of a and b that we alrdy find ? but when do we not need to sub those values and just divide with the a and b inside ? i have a qn that just use the a and b
Lim En Jie
Lim En Jie
4 years ago
You want to post that question instead? Quite hard for me to visualise what you mean haha. But can just use since it’s “Given” already. In any case they don’t give and need to find asymptote is same method just very tedious since will need to leave a&b as constants.
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Ok's answer
1 answers (A Helpful Person)
the qn
Lim En Jie
Lim En Jie
4 years ago
The question already say to state in a&b mah so got no other choice. The previous question didn’t specify to leave in a&b and they already give you info to find the f(x) so can use full equation rather than in a&b.
Lim En Jie
Lim En Jie
4 years ago
Same approach though. When draw graph just ask yourself what y becomes when x approaches slightly less than -a and what happens to y when x approaches slightly more than -a. Ask yourself also what happens to y when x approaches + ∞ and also -∞. This way you will know when & which asymptote the graph comes close to.