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primary 6 | Maths | Geometry
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Jackson R
Jackson R

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Geometry chevron_right Singapore

To solve this question, it seems that we need to assume that angle ABF is an isosceles triangle. But I cannot see how it is so? Can anyone give me a clue please?

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 426
4 years ago
AB = AE (Both are sides of the same square)

But AE = AF (they are equal sides/legs of the same isosceles triangle AEF)

Therefore AB = AE = AF

So, AB = AF and thus triangle ABF is isosceles since it has 2 sides of equal length
4 years ago
There is no need to assume. The question is testing your ability to infer and derive this result to solve the question. This type of question will appear often in P6 so remember this well
Jackson R
Jackson R
4 years ago
O yes, I suddenly see that they are the sides of the squares after you explained it. Thank you thank you so much !
4 years ago

See 2 Answers

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Calista Soh Ke Li
Calista Soh Ke Li's answer
12 answers (Tutor Details)
Hope this helps!
Jackson R
Jackson R
4 years ago
Thank you.
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Poon Jeun Lek
Poon Jeun Lek's answer
6 answers (Tutor Details)
Hi! Triangle ABF is indeed an isosceles triangle because AE=AB as they are sides of a square, and such that AF=AE given that AFE is also an isosceles triangle, AF=AB too! Hope this helps! :)
Jackson R
Jackson R
4 years ago
Thank you, now I see it !!