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primary 6 | Maths | Ratio
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Jackson R
Jackson R

primary 6 chevron_right Maths chevron_right Ratio chevron_right Singapore

If anyone could help?

Date Posted: 4 years ago
Views: 532
Chua Yi Da
Chua Yi Da
4 years ago
Let a be the number of days in the first scenario and b be the number of day in the second scenario.

Number of green apples sold in the first scenario
=76a + 56

Number of red apples sold in the first scenario

Number of green apples sold in the second scenario = 48b +284

Number of red apples sold in the second scenario
= 72b

57a = 72 b
19a = 24b
38a = 48b (First equation)

76a + 56 = 48b +284 (Second equation)

Sub 48b= 38a from the first equation into the second equation.
76a + 56= 38a +284
38a = 228

Number of red apples = 57 x 6 = 342
Cost of red apples = 342 x 0.6 = $205.20
Jackson R
Jackson R
4 years ago
Thank you, but this looks like algebra which I am afraid to try. Mr AC Lim has helped me with the question already. But thank you.

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Hope this helps
Jackson R
Jackson R
4 years ago
Thank you for helping as i couldn’t understand algebra so this explanation helps !!
Jackson R
Jackson R
4 years ago
Thank you so much !!