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junior college 2 | H2 Maths
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junior college 2 chevron_right H2 Maths

For part ii, why does modulus follow the same rule as ax2b = bxc? Im quite confused, Is it true in all cases that modulus of cross pdt equals to cross pdt?

Date Posted: 7 years ago
Views: 790
7 years ago
Also if b is an unit vector, what is |b|^2?
Christmas MT
Christmas MT
7 years ago
If b is a unit vector |b| = 1, so |b|^2 = 1.

As for the first part of your main question, think about what you are asking (not intended to be offensive, tone just doesn't get across well in text). Reason it out.

a x 2b is some vector.
b x c is another vector.

a x 2b = b x c means "some vector" and "another vector" are the exact same vector.

It's not going to be just the modulus (which is the length) that is the same. They are going to be pointing in the same direction too. After all, they are the exact same vector.

The first part of your main question is essentially, "Is it true that if x = y, then |x| = |y|?" Yes it is definitely true.

The second part of your main question is... weird. a x b is a vector. |a x b| is the length of that vector.
7 years ago
Thank you (:

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